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By 6 weeks the pelage has developed and the eyes are open.
The bullets lost themselves in the thick pelage of animal.
Pups have a black or dark brown pelage at birth.
The young are well developed at birth with fully opened eyes and complete pelage.
Coat is the nature and quality of a mammal's pelage.
Their pelage is also more gray in color with less defined spots.
The winter pelage is longer and more luxurious than the summer coat.
The pelage in the abdominal region is typically an off white color.
Their pelage changes to adult coloration at 3-12 months old.
They are medium to small in size, and the pelage is reddish.
In winter the cottontail's pelage is more gray than brown.
The pelage has a high luster and varies from light brown to black.
There are three variations in the color of springbok pelage.
The color of the pelage ranges from mahogany to black, and white individuals are also known.
Its pelage is mostly creamy white, with head, neck and throat dark brown.
The pelage of the young resembles that of the adults.
In adults, the pelage of the back can be grey, reddish, or brown.
Like others in its group, its pelage is generally silvery-gray.
The pelage is long and silky with a dense underfur.
Their pelage is short, smooth, and soft, and generally a light brown in color.
This pelage remains on the cubs for one month, with the adult coat growing in August.
The summer pelage is brighter with more vivid coloration pattern.
The pelage of this creature is short, and with somewhat dense, coarse hair.
The pelage of the African civet is coarse and wiry.
Sometimes distinctions are made due to very slight differences in pelage coloration.