Though the liver medication is cheap, many peasants, who live on incomes of roughly $150 a year, use home remedies.
The peasants had used the road as an access to the interior of the forest.
The peasants could use the legal system to settle their disputes - for a fee.
Over the years, the peasants of the region have used that good brick to build their own huts.
Medicinal uses: The peasants use the leaves in topic preparations for treatment of boils.
Farmers and peasants used to meet there for a chat on their way back home from work.
The peasants used medieval technology like wooden ploughs and sickles.
The peasant had used the sword to cut wood.
This is windy country, and in the distance can still be seen windmills that the peasants used as signals to indicate troop movements.
The peasants then used these molds to make three-dimensional papier-mâché charms.