In the course of the musical, French peasants and work-ers storm the barricades with red flags in an 1830's uprising, and the Russian theatergoers responded enthusiastically, standing to applaud during the curtain calls.
The peasants, desperate for food, stormed the granary, but the Party members defended it by opening fire, killing and wounding the villagers.
In 1737 the displeasure culminated in open revolt, when numerous peasants ganged up and stormed the monastery.
You will escort her away from Castle Thorn before the peasants storm it, which will doubtless be the day after they notice its bravetrees rotting where corpses have been consigned to feed the roots.
But at least in downtown Brooklyn last Wednesday peasants with pitchforks were not exactly storming the gates.
On one occasion the peasants stormed and burnt down a school building housing a convention of zemstvo employees who barely escaped the mob.
Or of those old horror movies, where peasants with torches storm the castle to destroy the mad scientist and his monsters?
Some peasants stormed shops, others committed robbery, and still others attacked wealthy merchants.
The peasants stormed out of the village, howling and throwing stones and waving pitchforks-but not at Simon and Rod.
Rifle shots at Lexington and Concord, angry French peasants storming the Bastille, a small plane above Giants Stadium towing a sign that read "15 Years of Lousy Football, We've Had Enough."