The peasants also sought redress against the nobility, who required maintenance money, and against the middle classes, who appropriated common land.
Other peasants sought to satisfy more contemporary tastes by carving names and intricate floral designs into common house keys.
Most peasants sought simply to be left alone by the cities, the landlords and the state, envisioning freedom, in a pre-political sense, as the absence of exterior restraints on village life.
The industrial sector failed to expand fast enough to provide jobs for all the peasants and university graduates seeking work.
That peasants sought freedom-of that there is no doubt.
Yet the watchman must rank them, as first, second, and third-so each peasant seeks to curry favor with the watchman and to revile his neighbors.
The peasants sought aid from their lord, but their cries went unheeded for a long time.
The revolt incorporated some principles and rhetoric from the emerging Protestant Reformation, through which the peasants sought freedom and influence.
Berlichingen had been involved in the suppression of the Poor Conrad uprising 10 years earlier, and these peasants sought vengeance.