They say just how much the peasant shall pay for his loaf of bread.
Popular myth has it that poor peasants and casual workers in the Third World do not pay tax.
A peasant would pay a merchet to his lord upon the marriage of a woman.
By the 12th century, peasants routinely paid large parts of their taxes in various viniculture products.
The peasants should pay a tax based on land value, excluding improvements, to promote production and efficiency.
In the 90's transition to a more market-based economy, peasants paid dearly for education and health care.
The peasants then pay the government back a discounted amount over 20 years.
Bampton insisted that the peasants pay what was demanded of them.
As the old man explains, this is simply "the best sort of thanks to heaven that an illiterate peasant could pay."
The peasants in the field paid no attention to them.