And later, the land where the cathedral stood was sold to a peasant named Hüseyin for 28,005 lira.
Yet a peasant named Yelisey tells the group that the coffins belong to his village.
Tradition accounts tells a peasant named Juan Diego was walking from his village to Mexico city in the early morning of December 9, 1531.
A peasant named Pakhom overhears his wife and her sister arguing about whether city or country life is best.
He assents and decides he will marry a peasant, named Griselda.
In this way, he befriends a peasant named Tom, who does not get along well with the book's narrator.
A peasant named Crabbe saw how well a doctor ate and asked him how to become one.
Apparently, Milo challenged a peasant named Titormus to a trial of strength.
She put the infant out again in the same village, with the widow of a peasant named Marc Peguin.
In 1926 a peasant named Traphim Hudkou found a pot full of ancient coins while working on his land.