While at the end of the 18th century only 1143 peasants lived here, in 40 years the number tripled.
"I would also say that here you sense how close the peasant lives to the reality of death," Berger continued.
You have already seen the misery in which Romanian peasants live.
Jewish immigrants then settled on the land, sometimes replacing peasants already living there.
Another one The peasants up and down the valley lived and died in their special fashion.
There were four clusters of peasant houses, with about 350 peasants living and working on the estate.
The associated peasants lived in a small settlement which later became the modern Dagomys.
Those peasants living in areas with extremely harsh natural conditions will be relocated, it added.
Under this system the temporary owners could demand about three days labour per year from the peasants living on their land.
"Even the peasants live in stone houses here Does the straw they put on the roofs really keep out the rain?"