More frequently, the victims are less well known - students, teachers, union members, religious workers and members of peasant groups.
As a result of the crackdown, the leftist leaders have gone underground, some with a price on their heads, peasant groups said.
It gave power to labor unions and money to peasant groups and received loyalty in return.
These men commanded the loyalty of peasant groups in their particular locality.
Maoist peasant groups continue to carry out violence in a few states, but they are isolated politically.
Many of the peasant groups say they receive little support from the army.
The peasant group gives way to a more aristocratic couple.
All were either members of human rights groups in their countries or lawyers who worked with peasant groups or unions.
In the same period a peasant group calling itself the Union of the True was also advocating opposition to taxes.
On a recent day, he ate roasted guinea pig at a lunch with a peasant group.