A peasant called Gredzica lived in Gredzice.
One of the peasants called, "Are you people going by the camp the little devils built up ahead?
A carved stone image of the god the peasants called Poi stood in the shrine.
There was once upon a time a peasant called Masaniello who had twelve daughters.
A young peasant called Jin travels from the countryside to the town in search of his father.
Once upon a time there lived a peasant called Ivan, and he had a wife whose name was Marie.
He also established a militia or 'lesser army' made up of peasants called to fight whenever war came.
It was the first abode of Shivaji, who formed an army of the local peasants called 'Mavale'.
Then they heard that the peasants called as witnesses had been fetched; their old workman who had received a notice to appear went too.
Other peasants, called cocaleros, are ordered to grow less or more coca or to plant other crops altogether.