Under him, People's became one of the first financial institutions to offer payroll savings to workers in nearby factories.
But the Mets may not be able to plow any payroll savings back into premium offensive players.
If payroll savings had to make up the $590 million in revenue losses produced by the sales tax cut, an additional 17,000 jobs would have to be eliminated.
Hospitals, pinched financially, have long looked to the support staff as the first area in which to make payroll savings.
They argued that the projected payroll savings of $500,000 from eliminating the salvage crews would be more than offset by thousands of people becoming homeless.
In addition to the capital savings, such a reduction could yield payroll savings that approach $200 million per year.
If you are interested in electronic payroll savings, or are looking to find out more about auctions, you can also find the necessary details here:
Even so, he said the $160 million program was expected to generate $60 million in payroll savings the first year, and less in succeeding years.
The estimate is based on payroll savings for 18 months, the average length of time employees would have remained on the job without the program.
Thus, the owners realized large payroll savings.