The contract gives workers three paid sick days a year (they had not been getting paid if they stayed home sick).
The new agreement includes health insurance, pensions, paid sick days and a promise from management to do its best to provide two dressing rooms near the theater.
The U.S. government guarantees federal employees 13 paid sick days a year.
It sounds reasonable: seven paid sick days a year.
Teachers receive a benefits package that includes: paid sick days, paid personal days, reimbursement for college courses, a health insurance and a defined benefit pension.
His job provides him with six paid sick days a year, which he used up during an earlier hospitalization.
For the first time, the janitors will receive two paid sick days a year.
Now, the housekeeper is entitled to five paid sick days a year but nothing after that.
Teachers receive professional development reimbursement, 5 paid personal days, 12-14 paid sick days, and other benefits.
Additionally, the teachers received a defined benefit pension, health insurance, professional development reimbursement, personal days, 10 paid sick days which accumulate, and other benefits.