Whole mushrooms are rinsed and patted dry, then cooked briefly in a little butter.
After soaking, the mushrooms should be patted dry on paper towels.
When cool, drain well, patting dry on paper towels, and add to bowl with potatoes.
Skin should be washed with a very mild soap and air dried or lightly patted dry.
Remove all the moisture by placing between paper towels and patting dry.
Prior to cooking, the spices are rinsed from the meat, which is then patted dry.
If using preserved vine leaves, soak them well, then rinse and pat dry.
Then the shrimp are patted dry with paper towels.
Rinse the whiting, and drain well but do not pat dry.
Put lotion on as soon you're out of the shower - once you pat dry, while skin is damp.