Would I be supposed to provide a dance partner too?
Strangers have been known to become dance partners, and maybe more.
Some people come in pairs; others hope to find the right dance partner when they get there.
From the beginning, they have been the most curious dance partners.
And then, because he obviously could not take his eyes off her, "Shouldn't you get back to your dance partner?"
All he needed was to dredge up a dance partner.
She seemed to be searching for a dance partner who could keep up with her.
They're going to do a scan on your dance partner in about an hour.
"Several of your dance partners were eager to tell us."
As we were leaving, my dance partner rushed over to me.
The story goes on until after the prince chooses Cindy as his dancing partner.
That was before she met her husband, Martin, who is now her dancing partner.
On our way down a staircase, I saw my dancing partner for the first time.
To her astonishment, she found herself in great demand as a dancing partner.
She pushed away from me, back into the arms of her dancing partner, a handsome boy with curly brown hair.
But the trouble with my dancing partner, Bernard, got us off to a poor start.
I always ended up either playing the foil or becoming the patient's dancing partner.
I didn't want to lose him as my dancing partner.
And everyone finds true love or at least a dancing partner, even Cody.
"Meanwhile, how do you like having a black dancing partner?"