With Moscow a battleground of intrigue, several possibilities could explain what occurred on Friday, none particularly reassuring.
This is not only unimaginative, it's not particularly reassuring about the clearheadedness of the author.
Nor would it be particularly reassuring if the industry is able to repay the loans that will be taken from Treasury.
What they heard, they said, was vague and predictable and not particularly reassuring.
They were all burly specimens and not particularly reassuring of face.
Harry hadn't found the lieutenant's choice of words particularly reassuring.
The thought of Scotland Yard sitting quiet was not a particularly reassuring one in the circumstances.
Ragnar had not found the thought particularly reassuring.
But what he saw bobbing up and down, pulled a little downstream by the current, did not particularly reassure him.
Somehow, Chekov didn't find that observation particularly reassuring.