It seems that with this logical triangle, Indian logic proposes a useful approach to the problem raised by the particular propositions of natural language.
Chapters 6 and 7 deal with the relationship between affirmative, negative, universal and particular propositions.
The distinction between universal and particular propositions is the basis of modern quantification theory.
If lawyers think a particular proposition about legislation is true by convention, they will not think they need any substantive reason for accepting it.
Fixing the result of a more particular proposition might be seen as less likely to be noticed.
An observable, repeatable experiment that proves the truth, or in this case the falsity, of a particular proposition.
With this logical triangle, Indian logic proposes an interesting approach to the problem raised by the particular propositions of natural language.
Universal and particular propositions, by contrast, are not of simple subject-predicate form at all.
Assume a particular proposition - a thesis.
Let us say that a person has a degree of belief of 1 in a particular proposition if he is completely convinced of its truth.