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For two years the soldiers had received only partial pay.
This places them on partial pay with possible dismissal after a year.
These last 16 months, the 12,000 teachers in the Government's schools have been getting partial pay, about one-third of their salaries.
Those feelings led to his medical leave of absence, beginning in February 1991, at partial pay.
"It could be considered a partial pay, sir," Ellis said.
Workers will receive partial pay, company officials said.
"Almost all the first and second floor now is on partial pay, and they have a hard life now.
Maybe yours could have arranged a partial pay."
On his first morning in the Army he received a partial pay of fifty dollars, with which he was expected to purchase necessary toiletries.
And Thursday, all 25,000 people working for the State Department here and abroad will receive only partial pay.
For instance, an employer who offers partial pay or job protection to a worker out for back surgery must do so for one who is pregnant.
We had been issued partial pay toward our first month's pay of eighty-six dollars-twenty per week-so we had the necessary cash.
He had a canvas bag from Frankfurt, bought with the partial pay Florence Horter had arranged for him at the 97th General.
LEAD: A new wave of strikes has broken out a month after a partial pay freeze touched off industrial unrest, press reports and factory officials indicated today.
The Administration and Congressional leaders each took steps to try to ease the financial burden on 760,000 Federal workers who received only partial pay today because of the Government shutdown.
But it would come as no surprise if they wished Strawberry well and, full pay or partial pay, sent him on his way after only one healthy and productive season with them.
A bill that would give state employees called to military service in Operation Enduring Freedom partial pay and other benefits is expected to be introduced at the special legislative session next Tuesday.
However, many of these public employees will now be suspended on partial pay as Greece has been forced by the EU and the IMF to cut 20% from its government sector workforce by 2015.
New Jersey's legislators could drastically improve that situation by passing a bill to provide partial pay to any worker who takes up to 10 weeks off to care for a sick family member, a newborn or a newly adopted child.
But the the East German Association of Unemployed, a nonprofit self-help group for the jobless, says the figure is actually 1.7 million, when workers on "short time," in which they report to work only to pick up partial pay, are included.
Representative Linda Orange, Democrat of Colchester, is sponsoring the bill that would grant military personnel paid leave for 30 days plus partial pay for the duration of service; a state income tax waiver; and continued family health benefits.
Under the terms of G.M.'s contract with the United Automobile Workers union, workers can be laid off for 42 weeks, receiving partial pay, and then are placed in a jobs bank, making them eligible for transfer to other G.M. sites.
Employees of many New Jersey businesses would be entitled to up to 10 weeks of family leave with partial pay for a new baby, a difficult pregnancy or an ill parent or spouse, under a measure approved on Thursday by a Senate committee.
If the bill is passed by the full Senate and the Assembly and signed into law by the governor, New Jersey would become the third state, after California and Washington, to require companies to offer some form of family leave with partial pay.
The FAA declared an impasse over contract negotiations and imposed work rules including partial pay caps for veteran controllers and an alternative, lower pay scale for new hires on the air traffic controller workforce, represented by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA).