France and Russia, owed money by Iraq, had been urging at least a partial lifting of the ban.
President Reagan today announced a further partial lifting of trade sanctions against Japan.
A week after Makhoul's arrest, the judge in the case allowed the partial lifting of the gag order so the media could name the accused.
But even if successful, this partial lifting of the oil embargo will only yield Iraq about $900 million, or $5 for each of its 18 million people.
The 6x2 variants also have the facility for partial or total lifting of the third axle, which helps achieve better traction, particularly on slopes.
There is another small step, which is related to the recent partial lifting of the embargo decided by our 15 governments for Yugoslavia.
Now, was yesterday's decision by the Commission on the partial lifting of the ban right?
We have had the partial lifting of the ban which I welcome.
I welcome the partial lifting of the ban.
Madam President, Commissioner, the partial lifting of the embargo is valid law.