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The judicial structure is, in turn, regulated by a parliamentary law.
It was during the Thirteenth century that the rules of parliamentary law started taking form as a science.
You don't have to be perfect in parliamentary law to handle the gavel successfully.
She literally wrote the book on Presbyterian parliamentary law.
It includes the rules of order, principles, precedents, and legal basis behind parliamentary law.
Under Maldivian parliamentary law, islands with a population of 5000 is considered a constituency.
The development of parliamentary law was similar to that of the common law.
But anything outside that is a matter for governmental regulation, and not for parliamentary laws.
Either way you have increased your reputation for utter fair dealing, whether you know much parliamentary law or not.
The "lex parliamentaria" is also sometimes used to describe parliamentary law in general.
Both of those require a parliamentary laws.
His wide knowledge of parliamentary law and custom made certain that the body of the assembly could not be ignored by the ruling party.
Demeter identifies five great principles underlying the rules of parliamentary law:
In later life he credited the Society's "lessons in parliamentary law" for helping him in subsequent challenges.
I do not believe Mrs Fontaine needs lessons in parliamentary law to know what to do.
Together with colleagues in the field, he contributed to the initiation of the parliamentary law on communal coats of arms in 1949.
He was actively engaged in farming in Lincoln County throughout his life and the author of several publications on parliamentary law.
He was also an expert on parliamentary law, and is often considered to have introduced or popularized many legal terms in Poland[2].
He practised in parliamentary law, planning and local government, revenue law and administrative law.
For instance, he opposed the parliamentary law that banned senior Communists or secret police collaborators from holding high office in the new Czechoslovakia.
The country's parliamentary law committee has ruled that proposed changes to the EU's permanent bailout fund would not be compatible with the constitution.
-October 20, 2005) was a member of parliament in Kyrgyzstan and head of the parliamentary law enforcement committee.
The book claims to be a "codification of the present-day general parliamentary law (omitting provisions having no application outside legislative bodies)".
The history of parliamentary procedure refers to the origins and evolution of parliamentary law used by deliberative assemblies.
Over the years, the group has conducted classes, and hosted lectures and seminars, on topics including psychology, parliamentary law, travel, literature, music, gardening and science.