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We have created certain parklike areas where children may learn in safety.
During the day, it will feel as though one is sitting in a parklike setting, she said.
"But we didn't want to see that parklike setting lost," he said.
In its place would be a more parklike landscape with a 90's hands-on educational focus.
The building and its parklike grounds occupy an entire block.
The hill has several tunnels beneath its present parklike setting.
The best things here, beyond that little parklike square, oddly, are among the most conventional.
The place felt open and parklike, but the gentrifiers don't tend to walk here.
Justen followed her through the woods, which seemed nearly parklike.
The place was transformed into a beautiful, parklike space.
Sitting on the sidewalk along a parklike plaza, it felt the way Mexico should feel.
"It's a magical place in a parklike setting with a good commercial area," she said.
She was entering a parklike section, with trees growing fairly near the pavement.
At the common, Cyncaidh pulled his party off into its open, parklike woods.
Mykel turned his mount down it, toward the center of the parklike area.
An open, parklike setting was scored to give the mansion a sense of depth.
I watched him canter along a path through a green, parklike forest.
Also a nice place to take a walk as there are a significant number of trails and picnic areas in this parklike setting.
Today the completed restoration consists of six buildings in a parklike setting.
Frank went through the door and was again surprised, as he had been by the parklike effect of the enceinte.
At the other end of the spectrum, the colonial is surrounded by parklike land with water views.
The property is 2.8 acres and has parklike gardens with paved paths.
Gravesites were meant to be works of art in a parklike setting."
Although the project is still taking shape, it has already been criticized as an intrusion in a parklike setting.
"We also have a burning desire to maintain the parklike significance that exists here."