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The parietal bones form the top and sides of the skull.
It is the point where the frontal bone and parietal bones meet.
It is seen mostly in the occipital and parietal bones.
My attention had been drawn to an irregularity on the right parietal bone.
Most of the top and sides of your head are formed by two parietal bones.
Ramos suffered a fracture of the parietal bone in his skull.
"You have a blocked parietal bone from emotional tension in your digestive system," I was told.
The parietal bones extend to the sides of the braincase.
The parietal bones are joint at their midline in a crest.
The parietal bones are bones that are part of the human skull.
A. On removing the scalp, a contusion is found in the fascia over the left parietal bone.
Also the parietal bones, in humans, make up a portion of the rear of the skull, far from the eyes.
He touched the girl's occipital bone, the parietal bones of the cap of the skull.
Thus frontal and parietal bones are purely membranous.
In the early 1900s, the parietal bone was known among paleontologists as the dermosupraoccipital.
The sagittal suture joins together the two parietal bones of skull.
The corner of the frill featured two larger osteoderms on the parietal bone.
The parietal bones are bones in the human skull which, when joined together, form the sides and roof of the cranium.
However, the temporal and parietal bones are separated by sutures, which remain open, allowing the head to slightly change in shape during childbirth.
Occasionally the parietal bone is divided into two parts, upper and lower, by an antero-posterior suture.
"A severe concussion," Hoyt reported, "possibly a hairline fracture to the left parietal bone."
At the center of the skull table is a raised and rough-surfaced boss on the parietal bone that is shaped like a circle.
The point at which the two parietal bones and frontal bones meet is known as "Bregma".
The squamosal is separated from the parietal bone at the rear of the skull by a small indentation.
The only sign of old injuries were healed scars on her forehead and the top of her head over the left parietal bone.