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He spoke in a low, papery voice, but his words had a compelling edge.
Then it was gone, leaving no sign in his smooth, papery skin.
She plucked a small, papery brown object from the floor and held it out.
The papery leaves are simple, entire and found in opposite arrangement.
The green fruit dries to a papery gray or white.
He put forward a papery hand in a protective gesture, fearing attack.
If I'm tired, my face is weirdly papery and dry.
His voice, when it came, was papery and frail.
The flowers are very visible, small, papery and yellow coloured.
The bark is rough and brown, but with light papery vertical scales.
He shakes her hand with a dry, papery palm.
His papery skin brushed against her fingers, and she jerked back from a jolt of energy.
So I sat down, cross-legged, on the warm, papery surface of the roof, about five feet from him.
The papery bark of the tree was slightly soft.
The stripe may bear long, pale brown, papery scales at the base.
Its odor is similar to electrical tape, but less rubbery and more papery.
Being old fashioned, I still love papery books.
The slowly dried blossoms will keep just fine, but they will be somewhat papery.
Dot guessed by the papery men lurking inside the walls that she must be ill.
He breathed lightly into the aperture and made soft, papery noises.
There were wild apple trees, too, most of them dead, but a few still putting out papery blossoms, almost transparent.
Its inner margin is lined with distinct, papery teeth up to 3 mm long.
The pod contains numerous flat, light brown seeds with two papery wings.
It has a hard, thin, almost papery toasted crust and a soft flaky middle.
Papery white shells are evidence that these endangered prehistoric creatures have been ashore.