Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
The friends and family test would only cost £600 million if a paper-based system was used.
With paper-based records, such control has not always been possible.
After this it will not be possible to process a paper-based form.
Many companies today still do business the "old and traditional paper-based" way.
Paper‑based business records were date‑stamped, signed by hand, and not easily altered after the fact.
The student works through a paper-based practical, at the computer.
Please note some of the paper-based resources may only be available at one site.
But it isn’t really the same as reading a paper-based book or newspaper.
Basically, any paper-based form you have can be put on your web site.
The old, paper-based surveys took one month to come back.
However, you may take one, two, or all three sections at a given paper-based test administration.
A paper-based exercise can be done in the classroom if required.
Yeah, that's why a paper-based system looked like it was the perfect solution for him.
At the moment there is too much emphasis on paper-based materials.
For example paper-based materials and broadcasting may also play a part.
Taking its name from the way paper-based information systems are named, each group of data is called a "file".
Canada has one of the best paper-based payments systems in the world.
The paper-based questionnaire had a response rate of approximately 10%.
Paper-based training materials usually travel by mail to the students.
"Such collaboration just did not happen when students used paper-based approaches."
It is much easier to secure growth in a paper-based economy.
They continue to process applications primarily in a paper-based environment, however.
The changes include a move from a paper-based system to electronic processing.
But we now know that gold can easily be replaced by a paper-based system.
A need to replace paper-based data collection by field agents.