Members of the NF-κB, AP-1, and ets families of transcription factors substantially increased in the Human Cancer 1.2 K array (see Table 2, panel A).
In the neophobia test (panel A) the subjects were allowed access to the saline solution for 10 min.
The polyphenol (100 μM) had a distinct morphologic effect, changing the cells from a boxy, cobblestone-like appearance (panel A, Fig.
These cells included those within the olfactory epithelium and throughout the mesenchyme as well as axonal tracts within the developing face, including the olfactory nerve (figure 3, panel A).
Two cases were observed in South Australia 5 weeks and 3 days before WYD2008 (Figure 3, panel A, isolates 1-2).
The remaining case was identified in Victoria in a returned traveler 5 days before WYD2008 (Figure 3, panel A, isolate 3).
One gene, mesothelin, exhibited a 3-fold induction in C57mg cells treated with the Wnt-1 but not the Wnt-5a secreting 293T cells (Figure 1, panel A).
SL-1 appears to be up-regulated by Wnt-5a and not Wnt-1 (Table 1and Figure 1, panel A).
As little as 25 μM resveratrol sufficed to induce these cellular changes, in passage 4-7 cells (compare panel C with panel A, Fig.
Treatment with 25 μM and 100 μM resveratrol prevented the decrease in active ERK1/2-P seen at 96 h (panel A, last 3 lanes).