The 6-week time point was chosen as representative of the period of preneoplasia, as the majority of the animals had no palpable tumors at this time (Fig.
The 6-week sacrifice time was chosen for the immunohistochemical studies to represent the period of premalignancy, because the incidence of palpable tumors is less than 20% for all experimental groups at that time.
Spontaneous remissions concern cancers of the haematopoietic system (blood cancer, e.g. leukemia), while spontaneous regressions concern palpable tumors; however, both notions are often used interchangeably.
Tests of Nexrutine (300-600 mg/kg) in a mouse strain designed to develop prostate cancer found a dramatic reduction in palpable tumors.
Patients with metastatic carcinoma in the supraclavicular region are best managed with a full course of radiation therapy followed by surgical dissection if palpable tumor persists.
With LCIS, there is no palpable tumor, no consistent changes on mammography, and is usually found when doing a breast biopsy for something else.
Clinically inapparent tumor neither palpable nor visible by imaging.
Most Wnt-1 TG mice (38/49) developed only one palpable tumor regardless of Pten status.
Animals exposed to BPA during fetal life develop palpable tumors, and all studies show an increased susceptibility to mammary gland neoplasia that manifests during adulthood.
Advanced stages may present as tumors palpable on the abdomen.