It was the fact that when he looked down he saw not his own body, but the pale legs of a white fawn.
Two long pale legs swung out the door, hiking a dress up beyond sight.
Long earrings, bracelets and pale legs were the only accents.
Becky turned and began to walk home, her pale legs rapidly scissoring against the deep green hillside.
There are small, pale coloured legs and antennae on the underside.
The pale legs revealed by the man's baggy shorts suggested he had not been on Risa long.
Males tend to have smaller more elongated abdomens, with pale brown legs.
However, that species has a longer primary projection, a sleeker, brighter appearance and generally pale legs.
Long legs, pale except for their backs where they burned from overexposure, completed the ensemble she could see.
She spread the pale legs wide, and then held the buttocks open.