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They exhibit oviparity and typically lay two eggs per clutch.
Different forms of birth are oviparity, vivipary and ovovivipary.
Oviparity is typical of birds and reptiles.
Green iguanas are oviparity with females laying clutches of 20 to 71 eggs once per year during a synchronized nesting period.
The most common reproductive strategy for fish is known as oviparity, in which the female lays undeveloped eggs that are externally fertilized by a male.
The true opposite of oviparity is placental viviparity, employed by almost all mammals (the exceptions being marsupials and monotremes).
Oviparity: fecundation is internal, the female lays zygotes as eggs with important vitellus (typically birds)
Unlike most members of its genus, the blackmouth catshark exhibits multiple oviparity, in which more than one egg can mature within each oviduct simultaneously.
Haacke is remembered for research of oviparity in monotremes, and studies involving the morphology of jellyfish and corals.
This species has a zygoparous form of oviparity, which occupies an intermediate position between oviparity and viviparity.
"They'd just send their eggs-" "It'd take a very long ovipositor," Paradine said, and vouchsafed some well-chosen remarks upon oviparity.
In contrast, a few species such as G. atlanticus and G. melastomus exhibit multiple oviparity, in which several eggs can mature within each oviduct simultaneously.
Single oviparity is considered to be the basal condition, while multiple oviparity and aplacental viviparity are thought to be more derived.
Halfbeaks exhibit a remarkably wide variety of reproductive modes ranging from straightforward egg-laying (oviparity) through to various form of livebearing (ovoviviparity and viviparity).
Ovo-viviparity: or oviparity with retention of zygotes in the female's body or in the male's body, but there are no trophic interactions between zygote and parents.
Among the oviparous species, most (e.g. G. murinus, G. nipponensis) exhibit single oviparity, in which only a single egg matures within each of the female's oviducts at a time.
No populations of this skink exhibit normal scincid oviparity behavior with greater than 30 day incubation periods, which could further indicate this skink is truly making the transition to exclusively viviparity.
It was created for the genus Causus, a group considered to be among the most primitive members of the family Viperidae based on head scalation, oviparity, venom apparatus and because they have round pupils.
A platypus is an exotic animal which despite being a mammal shares oviparity with amphibians an others, making it an exotic Linux distro with parts from "penguins", a GNU and other third party components.
Oviparity is where fertilisation occurs internally and so the eggs laid by the female are zygotes (or newly developing embryos), often with important outer tissues added (for example, in a chicken egg, no part outside of the yolk originates with the zygote).
Lizards from high elevation sites (greater than 1000 m) in north-eastern New South Wales are viviparous, while low-elevation populations from northern and southern in New South Wales exhibit short-period oviparity, an intermediate between viviparity and typical oviparious behaviors.