While far less numerous than private companies, they employ the overwhelming mass of British workers and turn over the greatest share of wealth.
Students receive an overwhelming mass of information during their first weeks at college or university, so this is perhaps not the best time to distribute library handouts.
Nevertheless, the overwhelming mass of mankind has not believed in freedom in this matter, but rather in a more or less lasting tie.
The overwhelming mass of the English people at this particular instant are simply too poor to be domestic.
The size of the field is perfect - large enough to feel competitive but not an overwhelming mass of legs and arms.
But what Everest lacks in architectural grace, it makes up for with sheer, overwhelming mass.
Moore received praise especially for blending the sometimes overwhelming mass of details into a coherent and effective story.
Considering that the overwhelming mass of the evidence has been taken from observation of humans under one gravity, pinned against a planet?
Suffice to say the overwhelming mass of today's popular culture is very much about what's going on in the world right now.
The overwhelming mass at any time in history are respectable, hardworking, highly productive mediocrities.