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In earlier times this had an overshot wheel, later replaced with a turbine.
The original mill had an overshot wheel and was powered by water.
It is a water powered mill with two overshot wheels installed in 1912.
In its prime, it had three sets of stones, powered by an overshot wheel.
This site apparently had two 22-foot diameter overshot wheels.
A second 3.6 metre overshot wheel powered the corn mill.
The concrete foundation of the original mill's overshot wheel is located behind the present structure.
The iron overshot wheel is still in place, fed by a wooden launder.
The old mill in the village, now a private house, still retains its overshot wheel, but the others have long since vanished.
The mill building is a three-story, stone structure with the overshot wheel located inside.
The original millwheel was probably a wood overshot wheel.
Nevertheless, in some situations an overshot wheel is preferable to a turbine.
The mill originally operated an overshot wheel driving three grindstones.
It has a cast iron overshot wheel driving three pairs of millstones.
A special type of overshot wheel is the reversible water wheel.
They've got millponds behind dams, and overshot wheels with gear trains.
It was originally an overshot wheel of 10' diameter and has left distinct rubbing-marks on the adjacent wall.
The mill probably had a breast-shot waterwheel as the head was not sufficient for an overshot wheel.
Its original power source was an undershot wheel, later replaced by an overshot wheel.
Generally if only small volumes of water and high waterfalls were available a millwright would choose to use an overshot wheel.
There was an internal overshot wheel.
The overshot wheel solves this problem by bringing the water flow to the top of the wheel.
The external wheel is a timber overshot wheel, which drives largely 18th-century wooden machinery.
A typical overshot wheel has the water channeled to the wheel at the top and slightly beyond the axle.
Unlike undershot wheels, overshot wheels gain a double advantage from gravity.