The average overall GPA for incoming upperclassmen to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is 3.57.
In 2008-9, there were about 300 undergraduate student-athletes, who maintained an overall GPA of 3.09.
If the applicant has at least 60 college units, with an overall GPA of 2.0 or better, the applicant will start at $47,043.
Students must also maintain a 2.0 overall GPA, with some major areas having minimum grade requirements for major courses.
Students must graduate with an overall GPA of 3.5 or above, with a minimum score of 3.0 in all honors courses.
This process is repeated for each class and then the sum of all class GPAs are averaged to result in an overall GPA.
The Union would appear at first sight to benefit more from the first agreement on public contracts as covered by the overall GPA.
Fifteen Westhill seniors participated in all three varsity sport seasons, while collectively maintaining an overall GPA of more than 90%.
"What is your overall GPA?"
This is asking what your overall GPA is.