The film studio has produced over 20 feature films, 3 TV drama series and 12 documentaries.
In total the Radharc team produced over four hundred documentaries between 1962 and 1996.
In addition to his films, Singh produced over sixty documentaries for film and television.
By early 2012 Folkstreams was hosting over 184 such documentaries created since 1949.
To date, she has made over 30 documentaries on issues affecting Aboriginal people in Canada.
Lawrence has written, produced, and directed over twenty documentaries.
Over the past fifteen years he has directed over 850 television commercials, five half-hour documentaries and several music videos.
Since October 2011 Mosireen has published over 150 short documentaries on the revolution.
He has produced over 30 conservation-related documentaries.
In 1976 Mangold transferred to Panorama, still concentrating on investigative journalism and making over 100 documentaries in 26 years.