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Several outreach groups have since popped up to address the community's issues.
She urged the students to consider joining one of the church's various outreach groups.
They developed new logos and advertised themselves as a community outreach group.
But the new effort is the first time an outreach group has trained and worked systematically with police officers throughout Manhattan.
Homeless outreach groups struggle to place the surplus of applicants in housing created by other programs.
The remaining 475 spaces will be available to mentally ill people living on the street who are referred by hospitals or outreach groups.
A growing number of advocacy and outreach groups have been founded for young adults - many of them by cancer survivors.
Five formerly homeless men are now living in recreational vehicles that were given to them by a homeless outreach group.
They ate lunch at a soup kitchen, napped in a park and waited for outreach groups to swing by with dinner.
She is the founder and executive director of Parents of Watts, a local youth outreach group.
Rather than enable such entrenched attitudes, some outreach groups are turning away from the traditional approach of distributing clothing and blankets on the streets.
Ms. DuBose's response, she said, is to point to the computers available at public libraries, community centers and outreach groups.
The outreach groups look hardest for homeless mentally ill people who resist help or are potentially dangerous to themselves or others.
Many residents are also associated with Aish HaTorah, an outreach group.
The Education Department promotes interest in the arts and horticulture through specific programming for children, adults, and outreach groups.
Today, the church is thriving and offers worship services, concerts and number of outreach groups for members and nearby residents.
Outreach groups have been trying to eradicate the practice for 50 years, working with NGOs, religious groups, the government, the media and medical practitioners.
WWC competed for the grant against a coalition of primarily African American service and outreach groups.
Vital Network is a group of women, usually connected through an existing Stonecroft outreach group, who desire to leave an impact on future generations.
Statutory and voluntary organisations have recently intensified education and information programmes and increased the educational involvement of outreach groups with homosexual men in Brighton.
VBI's Education and Outreach group is committed to developing educational programs designed to foster interest in scientific research for students of all ages.
Meece was requested to appear in Billy Graham Crusades, among other outreach groups and television broadcasts.
Also the church has mission and outreach groups that promote Fairtrade products and the Make Poverty History campaign.
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority said its records showed that agents entered the area three times since August, with homeless outreach groups, to offer assistance.
The outreach group also designed a home for Dinah Young, 74, a longtime Newbern resident who had been living under plastic tarps.