The instrument's masters seemed otherworldly beings with transcendental abilities.
These differences include the existence of actual magic and the interference of otherworldly beings such as demons and spirits.
In any case, the otherworldly beings acted as if there was a time set for Sodom's destruction.
Sir Frederick often cast her as a frail or otherworldly being.
Coyote in any form was beautiful, bequeathed with the striking features that seemed par for the course when it came to otherworldly beings.
On the other hand, maybe it meant the powerful otherworldly beings didn't have any idea how to fight me, either.
Verily, for such an otherworldly being, he'd seemed mortally horrified by her decree.
Its complexity necessitated that it be created by otherworldly beings, rather than ancestors of modern humans- a common pseudo-archaeological claim.
In addition, there are various magical areas within the world which display supernatural qualities or are home to otherworldly beings.