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Orographic lift occurs as air masses rise to pass over high ground.
It is often associated with orographic lift caused by the escarpment.
Precipitation induced by orographic lift occurs in many places throughout the world.
This is because of something called orographic lift.
As air flows over mountain barriers, orographic lift can create a variety of cloud effects.
Surface air circulation is largely influenced by orographic lift.
As with Virginia, the heaviest rainfall occurred due to orographic lift near a mountain.
In meteorology this is known as orographic lift.
This is caused by not only the elevation difference, but orographic lift, making it easier for the atmosphere to produce precipitation.
There, the rains were enhanced by moist air rising over the mountain peaks and condensing, a process known as orographic lift.
Generally the higher inland areas receive more rain than the coastal lowlands, due to orographic lift provided by the interior mountains.
The air can rise due to convection, large-scale atmospheric motions, or a physical barrier such as a mountain (orographic lift).
Ridge lift, or Orographic lift, is caused by rising air on the windward side of a slope.
Topographic barriers, such as mountains, cause effects such as orographic lift.
Cordova has a very temperate climate with mild temperatures and large rainfall caused by orographic lift.
A third source of lift is wind circulation forcing air over a physical barrier such as a mountain (orographic lift).
Banana belts of the latter type may form on the lee sides of mountain slopes caused by orographic lift.
Orographic lift occurs when an air mass is forced from a low elevation to a higher elevation as it moves over rising terrain.
The heaviest rainfall occurred through a process called orographic lift in the mountainous interior, leading to hundreds of landslides.
The higher peaks of the range get more precipitation than the lowlands due to orographic lift of passing storms.
Orographic lift throws the meanest of the winds up over the pad, and all we get is a sort of confused back eddy.
The air expands and moisture condenses as the winds increase in elevation; this is called orographic lift and can cause precipitation.
This is especially true near the coast, where the terrain rises from sea level to over 2500 m (8200 ft), enhancing precipitation due to orographic lift.
Some locations near these coasts where the terrain is particularly conducive to causing orographic lift receive up 2200 mm (87 in) of precipitation per year.
This process is called orographic lift and accounts for the intense rainfall and constant cloud presence in this mountainous region.