His organic conception of product design makes him a vital exemplar of contemporary communication methods.
Even in fleet passages every note spoke, every phrase fitted into an organic overall conception of the work.
Leaflike spoons with insects crawling on the stalk-handles are pure African conceptions - far more organic in their shaping than anything known in Europe at the time.
Buchanan rejects "any organic conception of the state as superior in wisdom, to the citizens of this state".
During the latter half of the nineteenth century the emphasis in social and political thought shifted from an atomistic to an organic conception of society.
Buchanan rejects "any organic conception of the state as superior in wisdom, to the individuals who are its members."
Spengler adopts an organic conception of culture.
Citing Frank Lloyd Wright as a major influence, Muller's alternative organic conception of architecture gives him an important place in post-war Australian Architecture.
Conservatives, Catholics, socialists and anarchists in their different ways favoured collective, harmonious, co-operative and organic conceptions of the state and society.
A tempo slower than the Emerson's in the Presto fits with the Budapest's quintessentially organic conception of this unwieldy, seven-movement creation.