They keep prices down because they get only 9 to 10 percent of every retail dollar, while the ordinary supermarket gets 20 to 25 percent.
SO many kinds of mushrooms are in the markets today, even in ordinary supermarkets, that it is easy to find more than just the standard white variety.
It is hard to say which unusual products will be the next foods to find their way into ordinary supermarkets.
THERE are so many low-fat or reduced-fat chicken and turkey sausages on the market today, but the selection is not always large at the ordinary supermarket.
Within three years it was in ordinary supermarkets.
The originals are frequently available on tape at the specialized local video store or even an ordinary supermarket.
While there are not many supermarkets like Calandro's in Baton Rouge, La., which sells 120 hot sauces, today's ordinary supermarket has 15 or 20.
Fat-laced Prime cuts, in fact, are not often found in ordinary supermarkets, since they are usually sold to upscale restuarants and specialty markets.
There is a lot of truly awful stuff out there, even more that is simply mediocre, food that is no better than what the ordinary supermarket sells.
It is a relatively short list, and most of these ingredients can be found in an ordinary American supermarket.