"My opponent told people, 'Why would you vote for someone who lives in a junkyard?"'
The opponents of war also told us we would get hopelessly bogged down in a desert war with massive American casualties.
"I hope that my opponent will tell all Floridians his plan to address important issues like the economy, the environment and health care."
I heard him talk healthcare to death but while he was elaborating ideas his opponents were telling stories.
His opponents tell me these kinds of actions cannot be tolerated.
When my hand is hidden behind the shield, no opponent can tell I'm injured.
Lasker wrote that had he won the game against a leading Berlin amateur, his opponent would likely have told him, "You are just lucky!
"On issue after issue, our opponents tell us one thing, but their records and the details of their plans tell us something very different."
Federer said his opponent had told him of the problem in the locker room.
"It is just that it's easy to win when your opponents can't tell the difference between a pawn and a knight."