None of the prints were titled, so they are given generic or descriptive titles that vary slightly between sources.
In other cases, choose a descriptive title that does not imply a particular conclusion.
This led to the descriptive title "Londonderry Air" being used for the piece.
It can also be a descriptive title: for example, Alexander the Great.
This method explains his reliance on pieces with descriptive titles.
This descriptive title did not change when the island's trading fell under Dutch state authority.
As a result he assumes the existence of an early cultural movement, for which the descriptive title "heliolithic" has been coined.
This siding was usually known by a short but very descriptive title, as were the trains which brought its raw material.
From thenceforth Stieglitz referred to the gallery as "291", without the street name or other descriptive title.
- and it would be packaged into a show with the highly descriptive title "Bridezillas."