Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
They worked in marketing, special events, the press office, and did research for the operations department.
Mayer then went to work in the operations department of the family business.
"I'm the general manager, and everybody within the baseball operations department reports to me," he said.
The bride is an assistant to the manager of the company's operations department.
It would be hard, he wrote, to provide the operations department with advice on re-entry.
He remained in the admiralty until 1915, with his last position there being head of the operations department.
Snow removal equipment is operated by the airport operations department.
As general manager, he will be in charge of the orchestra's personnel, education and operations departments.
When he signed it, Cashman was promised full authority over the baseball operations department.
In addition to financial management, Currie was responsible for human resources, information technology, facilities, and operations departments.
The Building Operations department manages this team as well.
The mural was installed by the operations department of the White Plains school.
Reassigned Joe Jones, first base coach, within the baseball operations department.
A pilot wants to inform his flight operations department that departure has been delayed by air traffic control.
The offices of the Services Campaign Operations department is also located in this area.
More and more mid to large size companies are forming sales operations departments within their organizations.
Over all, 30 news employees will leave the newspaper through a voluntary severance program, as will 20 in the operations department.
To take the example of record 122, grade and branch were not included in the request for a male from operations department who can speak Italian.
There have been no disruptions to production from the al-Amal field," said the official at the field's operations department.
There he worked in the hockey operations department and helped renegotiate both the radio and television contracts.
A short time later she was offered a position in the operations department at Servicios Aéreos.
The Operations department is the largest by far, has 72 percent of the staff, and is responsible for all the high-profile busts.
He worked in our operations department.
Special event support, vending and public space management are essentials to the operations department of the Buffalo Place.
As commander of uniform operations department he had responsibility for areas such as traffic, dogs, crime prevention and public relations.