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"I've been thinking of looking for an open mike night soon."
An open mike for youngsters, 12 to 18 years old.
During open mike sessions, people in the audience will have an opportunity to perform.
Poetry marathon with more than 100 readers and an open mike.
She also began performing on the open mike circuit in the Toronto area.
If this works, please avoid talking on your open mike to prevent override.
I went to an open mike audition and they hired me."
In 1985, Hall began presenting his work at open mike poetry readings.
Newspaper reporters aren't immune from talking into an open mike either.
Her name was Robin, and she tipped me off to the other open mikes around town.
In fact, coming into work today, people were swearing like President Bush near an open mike.
"Some open mikes are like support groups for the black sheep of every family.
I love to watch people say, 'Wow,' and a lot of times they do at open mike.
Monthly open mike for music, poetry and performance art.
The machine made a muted "open mike" sound, faint enough that it could not be heard even from a few feet away.
She moved to Toronto in 1996, and quickly became a fixture at the city's open mikes.
Only the open mike kept him from expressing his frustration in rich profanity.
He has hosted many successful open mike's in the area including the current 4 year running open mike.
Beck says, "We used to go to all the open mikes together.
These days, almost every city has its "open mike" readings in bookstores and coffee shops.
"Garageband is an open mike for the whole world," she said.
We were sitting around in a circle on the floor, singing and playing, recording with open mikes.
The open mike regularly attracts more than a dozen readers, each allotted five minutes.
The show originally aired under the name Open Mike during the 2006-2007 programming year.
There was only the crackle of an open mike and the sound of breathing.