International Argentine officials opened bids for control of the telephone company, Entel, as their first big step in the long-debated privatization of state-owned companies.
Today, Government officials opened previously submitted sealed bids.
In 1990, the Federal Government opened bids for concessions to maintain the busiest routes, dividing the different areas in Corredores Viales (road corridors).
To be sure, the Legislature's proposals are opening bids that are almost certain to be changed or in some cases discarded during the budget negotiations.
The city hoped to open bids regarding the project in 2002.
State officials are to open bids on a disputed $330 million traffic tunnel to Atlantic City casinos from three construction companies.
Welsh family attempted to buy property back for $500, but county went to open bids.
DDOT opened bids for the now-$45 million contract to construct the Anacostia Line's tracks and infrastructure in August 2008.
On June 11, 2012, the MBTA opened bids for the $9.622 million construction project.
Whether opening bids at the two level are 'strong' (20+ points) or 'weak' (i.e., pre-emptive with a 6 card suit).