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For some people it's even a once in a lifetime experience.
People are going to come from all over because it's once in a lifetime.
Some people never get to experience it, but many of us do at least once in a lifetime.
"This kind of thing comes along once in a lifetime."
A chance like that comes only once in a lifetime.
Great ideas may come along only once in a lifetime.
The opportunity, after all, will come only once in a lifetime.
It was a chance which came once in a lifetime.
But many personal services, often part time or once in a lifetime, are no longer just for the rich.
Everyone, he thought, should have a chance to do something like this at least once in a lifetime.
"He's one of those guys who comes along once in a lifetime."
You have an opportunity like that, maybe once in a lifetime.
It's the sort of thing that could only happen once in a lifetime.
It is a test which one can appear once in a lifetime.
But every man should do it at least once in a lifetime, I imagine.
But we have opportunities that come only once in a lifetime, if ever.
The economic crisis has given the government a once in a lifetime opportunity.
"A project like this comes along once in a lifetime," he said.
The sort of chance a soldier only gets once in a lifetime.
"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me," he said last week.
Opportunities such as this came to most people but once in a lifetime, if that.
Something which a man can only be expected to witness once in a lifetime.
This is what I would say to you: youth only comes once in a lifetime.
As people have already pointed out - this is a once in a lifetime experience.
This will be a once in a lifetime event for most people, and we should value it.