Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
In 2008, the company made their entire line of products available for online purchase.
Only use one credit card for all of your online purchases.
Both companies have websites from which online purchases can be made.
It was made available for online purchase and at the band's concerts.
The suite became available for retail and online purchase on June 15, 2010.
But have no issue with online purchases and have done them myself.
What would it take to get shoppers to increase their online purchases this holiday season?
The law, however, did not affect sales taxes applied to online purchases.
One of the most common online purchasing problems is products that don't arrive in time.
The survey also found that 83 percent of those polled would like to be able to return online purchases at the stores.
The sites-within-a-site they offer do not include the capacity for online purchasing.
Available for online purchase are books, music gourmet products, handicrafts and art work.
Revenue from online purchases go directly toward accomplishing this mission.
Residents of the 45 states with sales and use tax must pay tax on their online purchases.
But 25 cents for every $100 in online purchases is fraud.
Some of our external links may be to websites which also offer commercial services, such as online purchases.
The CD is not available in the shops, but only as an online purchase.
For some consumers, it has meant fewer online purchases of politically incorrect books.
Or perhaps you fire off a few e-mail messages to friends or make an online purchase on company time.
Online purchasing is fast and will maximize your contribution.
In some cases, other documents or the credit/debit card used to make the online purchase may be required.
When the box owners make an online purchase, special software will create and transmit a code for each order.
However, this book is still obtainable to readers in mainland China through online purchase.
In 2000, the company launched its first e-commerce store to accommodate online purchases.
Nearly one-third of the survey participants said they had had a problem in the last year with an online purchase.