Of course, you're right about the American context to our being soft on communism.
Opening it four times brought groups on Communism, forest management, natural history and table tennis.
We were going to follow a hard line on Communism wherever it put up its ugly head.
The experience with rule by committee soured him on Communism further.
Matthews was among those national experts on communism brought into the state to give testimony before this committee.
During the cold war, there was one axis and two poles - hard or soft on Communism.
When the color red appeared in a scene, officials often objected, saying it was a negative comment on communism.
In other words, liberals and the Clinton administration are soft on Communism.
Attempts to show that Pearson was soft on communism also took less subtle forms.
The first free parliamentary election, held in May 1990, was effectively a plebiscite on communism.