Agriculture and the production of ecological food, the olive gardens, and the production of quality wines, is the focus of Istria's agriculture sector.
"And he looked like Moses walking in the olive garden - very peaceful, and looking forward to spending more time there."
Manjil is known for its olive gardens and the river Sefīd-Rūd (or "Sepid Rood", "Sefid Rood", "white river").
Irrigation allowed a surfeit of new planted orchards, vineyards and olive gardens, which attracted oil presses and related businesses, set up on the north side of town.
He also displayed a great deal of sentimentality and nostalgia when talking of his native land of Naples and his former employment working in the olive garden of a rich man.
Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels meditation garden and olive garden (park)
Gethsemane was named after the olive garden in Jerusalem where Jesus was arrested the day before his crucifixion.
She is the one who suggests Christ might want to get away from the madding crowd in the olive garden at Gethsemane.
Rudbar is also called "Roodbar Zeitoun (olive)" for the olive gardens in the area.
Despite the olive gardens that may suggest presence of a Mediterranean climate, the winters are very cold in the area.