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At least one species, Godzilliognomus frondosus, has an organised brain, with a particularly large olfactory area.
Lateral horn of insect brain (an olfactory area)
Pyramidal cells clump in the outer part to form glomeruli similar to those seen in some of the primary olfactory areas (Brodmann-1905).
The septal area (medial olfactory area) has no relation to the smell, but it is considered a pleasure zone in animals.
Responses to the aromatic molecule are then sent in the form of impulses via the nerve fibres to the olfactory area in the brain.
"Behind and above that is more tissue that has some similarities, but it's also well defined, and doesn't appear to be part of the olfactory area.
It interconnects the paraterminal gyrus in the septal area with the hippocampus and lateral olfactory area.
Direct afferent inputs arrive from most primary olfactory areas, including piriform cortex, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex, in the absence of an obligatory thalamic relay.
The olfactory area of the brain also connects with the hypothalamus, a very important structure which controls the entire hormonal system by influencing the 'master gland' itself - the pituitary.
It is also present in mice and xenopus frogs, which suggests a long evolutionary history, and in those organisms its expression is confined to the forebrain, optic and olfactory areas.
The allocortex subdivides into hippocampal allocortex, medially, and olfactory allocortex, laterally (including rostrally the olfactory bulb and anterior olfactory areas).
However, Fanenbruck et al. showed that at least one species, Godzilliognomus frondosus, has a highly organised and well-differentiated brain, with a particularly large olfactory area which is a common feature for species that live in dark environments.
By the upgrowth of the surrounding parts the olfactory areas are converted into pits, the nasal pits or olfactory pits, which indent the fronto-nasal process and divide it into a medial and two lateral nasal processes.
During the third week of embryonic development, two areas of thickened ectoderm, the olfactory areas, appear immediately under the fore-brain in the anterior wall of the stomodeum, one on either side of a region termed the frontonasal prominence (or process).
ISAAC ASIMOV As the days passed, Chawker Minor found himself more and more involved in preparing the ultimate sample of flavored Prime, which his own taste buds and olfactory area would tell him was to be nothing like anything that had ever rolled across a Gammer tongue before.
The septal nuclei (medial olfactory area) are a set of structures that lie below the rostrum of the corpus callosum, anterior to the lamina terminalis (the layer of gray matter in the brain connecting the optic chiasma and the anterior commissure where the latter becomes continuous with the rostral lamina).
The Bowman glands help the olfactory region with smelling.
The panda's brain has a huge olfactory region."
The new neurons do not migrate to olfactory regions, and they are not involved in the human capacity for smell, the study found.
Moncrieff identified three: volatility, adsorbability, and customary absence from the olfactory region.
A well-developed olfactory region, encased in an ossified sphenethmoid, means that it probably had a good sense of smell.
Within four weeks the brains of those receiving the aluminum compound developed nodules in the olfactory region and cerebral cortex.
Researchers theorized that the cells, as in rats and monkeys, generated new neurons that migrated to olfactory regions, helping maintain the sense of smell.
MRIs even showed more activity in the olfactory region of the brain when subjects believed they were smelling cheese [source: Scientific American].
Olfaction is particularly important to lemurs, except for the indri, which lacks most common lemur scent glands and has a greatly reduced olfactory region in the brain.
The Medial forebrain bundle (MFB), is a complex bundle of axons coming from the basal olfactory regions, the periamygdaloid region, and the septal nuclei.
The complex respiratory passages suggest that Euoplocephalus had a good sense of smell, although a 1978 examination of casts of the endocranium have not found an enlarged olfactory region of the brain.
In the olfactory region the mucous membrane is yellowish in color and the epithelial cells are columnar and non-ciliated; they are of two kinds, supporting cells and olfactory cells.
While other mammals rely heavily on their sense of smell, the arboreal life of primates has led to a tactile, visually dominant sensory system, a reduction in the olfactory region of the brain and increasingly complex social behavior.
These representations may be encoded by space (a pattern of activated neurons across a given olfactory region corresponds to the odor), time (a pattern of action potentials by multiple neurons corresponds to the odor) or a combination of the two.
The islands of Calleja are named after Julián Calleja y Sánchez, the Spanish anatomist, who studied the structure prior to publishing a paper in 1893 entitled "La región olfactorie de cerebro" ("The olfactory region of the brain").
You will be unable to smell if odor molecules cannot reach the receptor cells in the nose, if these receptor cells are damaged or destroyed, if the nerve pathway to the brain is disrupted or if the olfactory region of the brain is itself destroyed.
The dedicated olfactory regions include the olfactory cortex, the olfactory tubercle, the entorhinal cortex, parts of the amygdala, parts of the hypothalamus, the mediodorsal thalamus, the medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortex, and parts of the insula (Neville and Haberly 2004).