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The second (lower) set of tentacles act as olfactory organs.
It is generally supposed to be an olfactory organ.
Behind them are the rhinophores, olfactory organs which often have complex forms.
It may be characterized as hard cognitive work that only a human, among all the animals with olfactory organs, can do.
All these meek who have inherited the Earth are really getting up my olfactory organ.'
The temporal responsiveness of insect olfactory organs is truly remarkable.
The head also thickens, the olfactory organ enlarges, and their teeth are lost.
Olfactory organ (the nose and related structures) - See also: olfaction.
Patton inhaled deeply, drawing air over the olfactory organs in the roof of his mouth.
The forked tongue is linked to olfactory organs.
The beetles have sensitive antennae that contain olfactory organs.
In nature, eyestalks are sometimes called tentacles, and may have olfactory organs and/or eyes at the end.
The larvae are 4-10 mm long, with well-developed olfactory organs and no sexual dimorphism.
The sensitive olfactory organs help the male detect the pheromones from female anglerfish.
But their sense of smell, since there were so few odors to stimulate their olfactory organ, was probably weak.
The colder the liquid, the less the flavours react with our taste buds and olfactory organs.
The segments of its antennae are all black, clubbed at the ends, and contain olfactory organs.
Lepidoptera also have olfactory organs on their feet which aid in "tasting" or "smelling" food plants.
"All insects have olfactory organs in their antennas," he said, "and you would almost expect the beetles to detect smoke."
Their olfactory organ, the osphradium is enlarged.
The osphradium, the olfactory organ linked with the respiration organ, is usually relatively small.
"You have no olfactory organs."
It grows to a length of 3.9 cm and has a relatively elongate snout with an enlarged olfactory organ.
At birth, tiny male ceratiids already have extremely well-developed olfactory organs that detect scents in the water.
The Ween dipped a finger in a smear of spilled lubricant, waved it near an olfactory organ.