At the center of the room were two large, round tables.
Captain Morgan took a big, round table in the middle of the room.
Six round tables were set for dinner, each seating ten.
Nearly a dozen people sat in small groups at round tables.
I know round tables take up more space, but they are so much better.
There was a large, round, metal table in the center of the room.
He closed the door securely behind him and walked to a small, round table near the center of the room.
These round tables don't hold the right number of people.
She sat in her place around the low, round table, quietly preparing herself for the task ahead.
Most of the space was taken up by a large, round table.
The rest of it had been transformed into a low circular table.
The delegates themselves were sitting on the floor inside the circular table.
The eyes of the eleven men seated at the large circular table turned to meet him.
The result was that the participants found themselves all seated around a large, circular table.
Around the large circular table sat some of the most powerful people in Israel.
Kim then indicated a low circular table to my right.
Within the room a circular table had already been set in preparation of a meal.
A dozen men and women sat at a wide, circular table.
They followed, past six people sitting around a circular table.
Directly beneath it was a circular table with a depression in the middle.