At this time all the small paned windows were replaced with plate glass.
The lower level consisted of one large room with a fireplace and big paned windows.
Board siding and double hung paned windows are all original.
A frosted paned window over the tub opened into the room, with a view of the ocean beyond.
The limestone hotel is bright with four stories of paned windows and a fat gas lamp smiling over the front door.
Expanses of tiny paned windows flood the restaurant with light.
There were four narrow paned windows high above the door, the top two so small and distant that they looked like peepholes.
He stood by one of the great paned windows in the living room that looked out on the Moskva far below.
Double paned windows all for open ventilation, reduce heat loss or gain.
Large, six over six paned windows are located in the front and the back of the building on both floors.