It is true that oil drilling would not ravage the entire refuge.
The standoff over oil drilling came as Congress tried to wrap up its business for the year, but significant issues were far from settled.
Conoco's explorations will mark the first time that oil drilling has been allowed in a national monument.
Fencing of the ranch began in 1887, and oil drilling followed early in the 20th century.
Highest ever recorded increase in one year since oil drilling began 1859.
The survey also found that like their elders, students are divided as to whether oil drilling should be allowed in offshore areas and Alaska.
Cases of cancer had increased dramatically in the region since oil drilling began.
To counter a few of the more obvious misrepresentations: * No offshore oil drilling will be allowed in the area.
The issue of the oil disaster and oil drilling has also been raised.
Congressional authorization is required before oil drilling may proceed in this area.
The company dates to 1909 when Howard Hughes, Sr. received two patents for his revolutionary oil well drilling bits.
Alternatively, the hole can be reamed; this is the usual practice in oil well drilling where the hole size is maintained down to the next casing point.
This sector, which includes oil and gas well drilling, has been posting moderate advances this year after suffering deep drops in 1986 because of the falling price of oil.
He then did consulting work for the government-owned British Overseas Airways Corporation and advised companies on oil well drilling technology.
It is an important part of the oil well drilling equipment.
The mining industry, which includes oil and gas well drilling, saw the operating rate climb to 78.2 percent, up from 77.4 percent in August.
It is used as an insoluble heavy additive to oil well drilling mud, and in purer form, as an X-ray radiocontrast agent for imaging the human gastrointestinal tract.
This sector, which includes oil and gas well drilling operations, has been severely depressed because of the slump in world oil prices.
The rig, normally used for oil and gas well drilling, could theoretically drill a wide enough escape shaft in a single pass without a pilot hole.
The standard also does not cover the agriculture, construction, and maritime industries or oil and gas well drilling and servicing.