At that time the art of landscape architecture was but little known in this country.
Most of these workers have a college degree in landscape architecture or a related subject.
I would guess that most buildings go up without much of a budget for landscape architecture.
He taught landscape architecture at Harvard from 1930 to 1939.
He was the first person to earn a degree in landscape architecture.
Its mission is to "advance the art, science and business of landscape architecture."
A summer school of landscape architecture was instituted in 1916.
The aesthetic force of good landscape architecture is also its limitation.
Start, then, with three of the growing number of books on landscape architecture.
In the late 1890s, Greenleaf turned to the practice of landscape architecture.
She went on a course and got a job doing landscape gardening.
Another had always wanted to work in landscape gardening, not manufacturing.
He considered landscape gardening and architecture to be an art.
In the early 18th century, landscape gardening entered another design style.
"That's what happens when you're a psychologist who studied landscape gardening in school."
"And have you gone in yourself for landscape gardening?"
Music, landscape gardening, architecture - there was no start to his talents.
He also produced innumerable magazine articles and at least six books on landscape gardening.
The first is painting proper, the second landscape gardening.
A real estate salesman might be expected to understand something about architecture, landscape gardening, and economics.